The Final Wonder Woman Trailer Is Here
Posted by jEN0VA on
*Stands up and gives a teary eyed standing ovation.
This trailer has everything. The emotion, the action, even a little bit of comedy.
The first portion with scenes on Themyscira are gorgeous and really tug at the heart strings. Young Diana talking with her mother about her destiny with that soft piano music were reminiscent of Man of Steel with Clark and Jonathan Kent. But we quickly see the difference in character when she’s told she’ll never wield the Sword of Athena and she grins back with ambition.
The latter half was mostly stuff we’ve seen, but with a few new shots, all which looked great. I loved the call back to the original Superman movie with Diana deflecting the bullet in the alleyway. The WW1 “no mans land” battle scenes continue to look epic as ever.
Then we see the training scenes with Antiope which look to rival the training scenes between Ra’s al Ghul and Bruce in Batman Begins.
I don’t care what anyone says, DC does serious superhero movies better than anyone.

Also, flying confirmed?